1st and Foremost...

let me start by saying how happy I'm to see you here! You all are the reason I do what I do! What's that you may ask? Well then! Click on those there buttons and get informed!

Helping others Overcome...

We never really know how powerful our words truly are! Take a look at some of the inspirations that has come through my work! This is what I LIVE for, giving hope to as many individuals as humanly possible!

What others think......


Raymon Michael Cooper, born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, or as I would call " My Home". Im 27 years young, married (yes, I said married!) to the love of my life, and with her, we have our world, our baby boy Liam Rae Cooper, who is two years old! Ever since I was at a young age I viewed the world as needing a "hero", someone who could inspire, give hope, & make a difference in every individual's lives. Everywhere I looked the world seemed empty like something was missing......"Why aren't these people smiling?" Ever since I could remember I have always had this independent mission to bring happiness and hope to this world. But I couldn't reach every person across the world, or could I? I began writing, establishing an online presence. Little by little I began to see a change, a change of wholeheartedness come alive before my very eyes! I became inspired to do more, I created a brand for myself "The Visualist". Meaning "seeing things in a different light" Everything has its positive side, not everything is so gloom as the world we are in presents it to be, we see it everywhere. In the media, the news, at work, in schools, EVERYWHERE!!! That's where I come in, Im that "Hero". Through my words and the creation of the World Wide Web, I set out on a mission to bring positivity to every human physically possible. This is Me This is My Story. Want to see more of my work? Follow me on my Amazon Author Page to get info on all my books! Keep up with my latest blog post as well on Vocal.Media!

A Great Read...

Awareness is something that may come as a foreign language to most people. We are in such a fast-paced lifestyle that we tend to neglect taking care of what really matters, ourselves! This book will help you gain an understanding of yourselves to make for a better life! Through my personal life experiences, I share with you what has brought me to where I am nowadays!
Get your very own copy today!
PaperBack: $7.99 USD
EBook: $4.99 USD
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Look forward to hearing from you my friend!
Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

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let's get personal...

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